CEH Week in Review 9/15

I just love this time of year. Cooler weather, crunchy leaves, PUMPKINS! Autumn is by far my favorite season. 

Here is whats been happening around the homestead this week.
Broody Brenda is still sitting on her little clutch of eggs. At last candle, all four eggs were developing on schedule. 

She now has a broody buddy keeping her company. Henrietta (left) has been taking notes and has now joined the broody club. I have had Henrietta for over 2 years and she has never once showed any inclination to brood and now here she is stealing Brendas thunder. 

I did catch the girls off the nest for a brief moment one afternoon. 

But Brenda came marching back as soon as she caught sight of me near her nest.
Look at her giving me the eye.  She was not happy with me.

This week I shared a post about Saving Seeds from your garden.

I've spent some time in the studio this week working on 
Halloween accessories for my Online Store.

Links we loved this week

Jared over at J & J Acres has been working on a pretty neat hydroponics set up

Save time on busy mornings. Prepare and freeze breakfast ahead of time.

Emergency planning for farms courtesy of Timber Creek Farms

And that wraps up our week in review. I'll leave you with this...

Have a great week friends!

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