CEH Week in Review 9/1

August is over and summer is slipping away. This past week seemed to just fly by. Our oldest child started 2nd grade this week and our youngest will begin preschool in a few days. Fall soccer is in full swing as well with practices and games for both kids.  

Meanwhile, the chickens are oblivious to it all.

For them its business as usual

Except for Brenda. Brenda decided that she wants to hatch some eggs.

There is a chance that Brenda's eggs could be fertile because we have not yet found a home for Mr. Roo a.k.a The rooster who never crows. 

The Olive Egger babies are nearly 2 weeks old.  

Spoiled rotten daily ( all of them <3 )

On Wednesday we announced our participation in the Berkey Clean Water Prize Bundle Giveaway. There is still plenty of time to enter. 

We also happened to come across this little gem at our local library. Chick-0-Saurus Rex by Lenore & Daniel Jennewein. I posted my thoughts about the book here.

I finally got around to updating the "about" section for my Etsy shop.

Links we loved this week:

I hope that everyone enjoys the rest of their Labor Day weekend. Make sure you take some time to relax.  I'll leave you with this cute clip of Super Cooper relaxing massage from his best friend Monster Kitty

Thanks for stopping by and please keep in touch!
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