The Promise of Spring - New Baby Chicks

It seemed as if winter was never going to end but here we are knocking on the doorstep of spring. With spring comes the promise of new life, growth and the reawakening of all the things that laid dormant during those bleak winter days.

Here at Colored Egg Homestead we are beginning to see the resurgence of new life and the promise of spring in the growth of our vegetable seedlings and now with the hatch of our new spring chicks. 

We set 5 Lavender Ameraucana eggs in our Brinsea Advance incubator on February 15th and they all hatched 20 days later on March 8th. Here are some photos of the hatch and our new feathered friends. 

Here is a video that my son recorded of the first egg hatching. Enjoy!

You'll be seeing more of these little ones throughout the spring. 

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  1. Wow, this is awesome! Beautiful photos! I've never seen chicks hatch - makes me want to win that incubator that much more! ;) We decided not to buy chicks this spring for a variety of reasons, but if we could incubate our own, what a special experience it would be!

  2. Thank you for the video. My kids found it fascinating and it brought up LOTS of questions
